Saturday, June 22, 2013

Starting over

I started this blog last September in hopes that I would write in it every day or at least a few times a week.... That never happened. I had 4 posts up that today I deleted after rereading them and feeling stupid about what I had written. I am not a whiny person by nature but it seems that in the last year I have become that kind of person and as I sit here now I am not liking that person very much. I have gone through a lot in my life this far and survived it all, so why now am I whining about it?
I dont have the answer to that question other then to say I am sorry about it...... I have decided that from this day forward I am allowing myself one day a week where I get to whine about my life so that feeling sorry for myself does not take control of my life anymore!
I am gonna start planning for the future everyother day of the week.......... today tho I should really clean my apartment as I have neglected it for the last few days and it looks like hell once again. I hate cleaning tho, It seems like as fast as I get it clean it gets messy again and I hate that, I wish I had a magic power that all I would have to do is think about it and it would be done!! lol but as that is not something that is ever gonna happen I guess I should get my ass up and get the shit done! ugh
I am gonna try writing my thoughts and feelings in here a few times a week maybe more from now on since I have the internet at the apartment now and its easier to get to. But we will see what happens, Maybe by doing so I will come up with some answers as to why I am the way I am about certain things in my life. One can only hope right? 
I am good say have a great day today and hope to find something to write about on here later today or maybe even tomorrow..... I hope all is well with everyone and You are all in my thoughts and prayers today as in everyday!!!!